努力是一种生活态度,与年龄无关。 Effort is an attitude towards life, regardless of age. 有的人在45岁的时候,依旧在挑战极限,最后在第二年找到了自己梦寐以求的工作。 Some people are still pushing their limits at the age of 45 and eventually find the job they dream of the next year. 这个人,叫贝拉克·奥巴马。而他的新工作,是美国总统。 This person is named Barack Obama. And his new job is the President of the United States. 有的人在35岁时就觉得自己的黄金岁月已经过去,于是放弃了努力、接受了现状。 Some people feel that their golden years have passed at the age of 35, so they give up their efforts and accept the status quo. 不努力不是专属于年轻人和孩子的东西。 Not working hard is not something exclusive to young people and children. 它与时间无关,它不是外界对你的逼迫,而是你自己内心对更进一步的渴望,是一种积极向上的生活态度。 It is not about time, it is not about external pressure on you, but about your own inner desire for further progress, and it is a positive and upward attitude towards life. 人生中最可怕的不是碌碌无为,而是你不努力还安慰自己平凡可贵。 The most terrifying thing in life is not being mediocre, but comforting oneself that you are ordinary and valuable even if you don't work hard.