楚国有个人搞祭祀活动。祭祀完了以后,取出一壶酒来赏给门人们喝。 There is a person in the state of Chu who engages in sacrificial activities. After the sacrifice is completed, a pot of wine is taken out to reward the disciples for drinking. 门人们见只有一壶酒,就互相约定说:这壶酒几个人一起喝,肯定不够喝;如果一个人喝,才会有点剩余。我们可以一起在地上画蛇,谁先把蛇画好,这壶酒就归谁喝。 When the disciples saw that there was only one pot of wine, they agreed with each other and said, 'This pot of wine will definitely not be enough for a few people to drink together.'; If one drinks alone, there will be some surplus. We can draw snakes on the ground together. Whoever finishes the snake first will have this pot of wine to drink .于是,大家找来树枝和瓦片,飞快地在地上画了起来。 So, everyone found branches and tiles and quickly drew on the ground. 有个人先画好了蛇,端起酒来正准备喝,发现别人都还没有画好,就一手端着酒壶,一手又接着画,并且一边画一边得意洋洋地说:我还可以给蛇添几只脚呢!还没等他把蛇的脚画好,另一个人已把蛇画好了,他夺过酒壶说:蛇本来没有脚,你怎么能给它画脚呢?说罢,他仰起脖子,咕嘟咕嘟地把酒喝光了。那个给蛇添脚的人楞楞地站在旁边,眼巴巴地看着失去了一次喝酒的机会。 A person first drew the snake, picked up the wine, and was about to drink it. When they realized that no one else had finished drawing, they held the wine jug in one hand and continued drawing with the other. While drawing, they proudly said, 'I can add a few more feet to the snake!'! Before he could finish drawing the snake's feet, another person had already done so. He grabbed the wine jug and said, 'The snake didn't have feet, how can you draw its feet?'? After speaking, he lifted his neck and gulped down the wine. The person who added feet to the snake stood beside him in a daze, eagerly watching as he lost a chance to drink. 寓意:把功夫用在做没有意义的.事情上,就会失去宝贵的机会。 Moral: If you spend your time doing meaningless things, you will lose valuable opportunities.