战国时,秦国的军队团团包围了赵国的都城邯郸,形势十分危急,赵国国君孝成王派平原君到楚国去求援。平原打算带领20名门客前去完成这项使命,已挑了十九名,尚少一个定不下来。这时,毛遂自告奋勇提出要去,平原君半信半疑,勉强带着他一起前往楚国。 During the Warring States period, the army of Qin surrounded the capital city of Zhao, Handan, and the situation was extremely critical. Prince Xiaocheng of Zhao sent Prince Pingyuan to Chu to seek assistance. Pingyuan plans to lead 20 disciples to complete this mission, but 19 have been selected, but one is still missing and cannot be determined. At this moment, Mao Sui volunteered to go, but Pingyuan Jun was half convinced and reluctantly led him to the state of Chu. 平原君到了楚国后,立即与楚王谈及“援赵”之事,谈了半天也毫无结果。这时,毛遂对楚王说:“我们今天来请你派援兵,你一言不发,可你别忘了,楚国虽然兵多地大,却连连吃败仗,连国都也丢掉了,依我看,楚国比赵国更需要联合起来抗秦呀!”毛遂的一席席话说得楚王口服心服,立即答应出兵援赵。 After arriving at the state of Chu, Prince Pingyuan immediately talked to the King of Chu about "aiding Zhao", but after a long conversation, there was no result. At this moment, Mao Sui said to the King of Chu, "We came today to ask you to send reinforcements. You didn't say a word, but don't forget that although Chu has a large army and land, it has suffered consecutive defeats and even lost the country. In my opinion, Chu needs to unite more to resist Qin than Zhao!" Mao Sui's seat convinced the King of Chu and immediately agreed to send troops to assist Zhao. 平原君回到赵国后感慨地说:“毛先生一至楚,而使楚重于九鼎大吕。” After returning to the state of Zhao, Prince Pingyuan exclaimed with emotion, "Mr. Mao once arrived in Chu, and made Chu heavier than the Nine Cauldrons and Great Lv