义 很久很久以前,在大慈山的南面有一棵大树,树干有两围粗,树枝壮实,树叶宽大。有两只喜鹊飞到这棵大树上忙着筑巢,它们就要做母亲了。过了不久,两只喜鹊各自生下了小喜鹊,两个家庭热热闹闹,日子过得又温馨又红火。喜鹊妈妈每天飞出去找食,回来后,一口一口喂给孩子们吃。虽然喜鹊妈妈十分辛苦,可心里觉得很幸福。 Long, long ago, to the south of Daci Mountain, there was a big tree with two thick trunks, sturdy branches, and wide leaves. Two magpies flew to this big tree and were busy building their nests. They were about to become mothers. Not long after, the two magpies gave birth to their own little magpies, and the two families were lively and lively, living a warm and prosperous life. Magpie mother flies out every day to find food, and when she comes back, she feeds the children one bite at a time. Although Magpie's mother is very hardworking, she feels very happy in her heart. 过了不久,发生了一件很不幸的事情。一位喜鹊妈妈在出外觅食时被老鹰叼走了,它再也回不来了。它那两个可怜的孩子已经一天一夜没吃东西,也没见到它们的妈妈回来,失去妈妈的小鹊十分悲哀地哭呀哭呀,那声音十分凄凉。 Not long after, a very unfortunate thing happened. A magpie mother was caught by an eagle while searching for food, and it will never come back. Its two poor children had not eaten for a day and a night, nor had they seen their mother come back. The little magpie, who had lost her mother, cried and cried very sorrowfully, with a very desolate voice. 小鹊的哭声传到邻居喜鹊家里,这家的妈妈马上对自己的孩子们说:“你们听,我们邻居家的小鹊哭得多伤心啊!我过去看看,你们乖乖地在家呆着别动,等我回来!”说完,喜鹊妈妈离开了自己的孩子们,很快飞到了喜鹊孤儿的家中。 The sound of Little Que's crying spread to the neighbor's house, Magpie. The mother of the house immediately said to her children, "Listen, how sad our neighbor's Little Que is crying! I'll go and take a look, you stay at home obediently, wait for me to come back!" After that, Magpie's mother left her children and quickly flew to Magpie's orphan's home. 看到邻居家的喜鹊妈妈,两只小鹊哭得更伤心了,它们向喜鹊妈妈哭诉自己失去了妈妈。邻居家的喜鹊妈妈怜悯地抚摸着小鹊说:“孩子们,别哭了!今后我就是你们的妈妈,你们就是我的孩子!走,到我们家去吧!”于是喜鹊妈妈把这两只小鹊一个个叼起来,放进自己的巢里,还嘱咐自己的孩子,要好好和这两只小鹊一起生活、玩耍。现在,它们的家虽然有些挤,但大家相亲相爱,过得也很快乐。失去了妈妈的两只小鹊受到这家喜鹊妈妈的照顾,它们也把这里当做了自己的家。喜鹊妈妈的生活负担增加了一倍,它每天更辛苦了,可它毫无怨言。 Seeing the neighbor's magpie mother, the two little magpies cried even more sadly. They cried to the magpie mother and told her that they had lost their mother. The neighbor's mother magpie pitifully stroked the little magpie and said, "Children, don't cry! From now on, I will be your mother, and you will be my children! Let's go, come to our house!" So the mother magpie picked up these two little magpies one by one and put them in her nest. She also instructed her children to live and play well with these two little magpies. Now, although their homes are a bit crowded, everyone loves each other and lives happily. The two little magpies who lost their mother were taken care of by this magpie mother, and they also made this place their own home. The burden of Magpie's mother's life has doubled, and she works even harder every day, but she has no complaints. 喜鹊只是一种鸟类,却能如此懂得怜悯、爱护弱者,这样讲仁讲义。而我们有些人却毫无人性,不仁不义,因此,他们是连禽兽都不如的。 Magpies are just a type of bird, but they can be so compassionate and care for the weak. This is the lesson of benevolence. But some of us are inhumane and unjust, so they are not even as good as animals.