楚国人准备偷袭宋国,进军的线路是打算渡过澭河抄近道走,以便趁宋国人在没有防备的情况下一举获胜。 The people of Chu were preparing to launch a surprise attack on the state of Song, and the route of their advance was to cross the Sui River and take a shortcut, in order to win in one fell swoop while the Song people were unprepared. 楚国经过周密谋划,先派人到澭河边测量好水的深浅,并在水浅的地方设置了标记,以便偷袭宋国的大部队能沿着标记顺利渡河。 After careful planning, the state of Chu first sent people to measure the depth of the water by the river, and set up markers in the shallow areas, so that the large army attacking the state of Song could smoothly cross the river along the markers. 不料,澭河水突然大涨,而楚国人并不知道这个情况。部队在经过澭河的时候依然照着原来作的标记渡河。加上又是夜间,结果,士兵、马匹大批地进入深水、漩涡,使楚军措手不及。他们被湍急的澭河水搅得人仰马翻、惊骇不已。漆黑中,澭水里人喊马嘶、一片混乱,简直像数不清的房屋在倒塌一般。就这样,楚国军队被淹死1000多人,侥幸没死的也无法前进,只好无功而返。 Unexpectedly, the river water suddenly surged, and the people of Chu were not aware of this situation. The troops still crossed the river according to the original markings when passing through the river. In addition, it was night again, and as a result, a large number of soldiers and horses entered deep water and eddies, which caught the Chu army off guard. They were stirred up by the turbulent river water, causing everyone to turn upside down and be in shock. In the pitch black, the water was filled with shouting and chaos, like countless houses collapsing. In this way, the Chu army was drowned by over 1000 people, and those who survived were unable to advance, so they had to return without success. 先前,楚国人在设置标记的时候,当然是正确的。如果河水不涨,他们是可以依照标记渡河的。可是后来,情况变了,由于河水暴涨,水位升高了许多,而楚国人在不了解变化的情况下仍按原来的线路渡河,当然只能惨败。 Previously, the people of Chu were of course correct when setting markings. If the river does not rise, they can cross the river according to the markings. But later on, the situation changed. Due to the sudden rise of the river, the water level increased significantly, and the people of Chu continued to cross the river according to the original route without understanding the changes. Of course, they had to suffer a disastrous defeat. 情况是在不断变化的,人的认识也应该随着客观情况的发展变化而变化。人们The situation is constantly changing, and human understanding should also change with the development and changes of objective situations. People must take corresponding measures according to new situations at any time, otherwise they will suffer losses and fall.必须随时根据新情况采取相应的措施,否则就会吃亏、跌跤。