三国时期,蜀国丞相诸葛亮主张联吴伐魏。他平定南方以后,一直积蓄力量,准备北伐曹魏,为蜀国的生存争夺空间。 During the Three Kingdoms period, the Prime Minister of Shu, Zhuge Liang, advocated for the alliance with Wu to attack Wei. After pacifying the south, he had been accumulating strength to prepare for the Northern Expedition against Cao Wei and compete for space for the survival of Shu. 过了一阵子,诸葛亮觉得时机已经成熟,便决定统率人马,攻打魏国。出师前,他给皇帝刘禅上了一道奏表,名曰《出师表》,劝刘禅虚心纳谏,重用人才,把心思都用在治理国家方面。 After a while, Zhuge Liang felt that the time was ripe and decided to lead the troops to attack the state of Wei. Before his graduation, he wrote a memorial to Emperor Liu Chan, titled 'Graduation Memorial', urging him to humbly accept advice, prioritize talents, and devote all his thoughts to governing the country. 可惜的是,第一次北伐失败了,诸葛亮只得退兵,等待时机。过了几年,诸葛亮又决定北伐中原。当时,很多大臣觉得蜀国力量太小,老是这样动用军队,不是国家之福,因此反对北伐。 Unfortunately, the first Northern Expedition failed, and Zhuge Liang had to retreat and wait for the opportunity. A few years later, Zhuge Liang decided to launch a northern expedition to the Central Plains. At that time, many ministers felt that the power of Shu was too small and always used the army in this way, which was not a blessing for the country, so they opposed the Northern Expedition. 诸葛亮针对这种情况,又上表给后主刘禅,对当时的敌我形势进行详细分析,说明蜀汉和魏国势不两立,你不去伐他,他就会派兵来对付你,倒不如主动攻打他,说不定还会找出一条生存之路。后主刘禅看了,表示全力支持诸葛亮伐魏。 In response to this situation, Zhuge Liang submitted a detailed analysis of the enemy and our situation to the Later Lord Liu Chan, explaining that Shu Han and Wei were at odds. If you don't attack him, he will send troops to deal with you. It's better to take the initiative to attack him, and perhaps find a way to survive. After Liu Chan saw it, he expressed his full support for Zhuge Liang's attack on Wei. 这第二道表,史称《后出师表》。在这道表的最后,诸葛亮表示他一心为国,鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。 This second table, historically known as the 'Later Departure Table'. At the end of this statement, Zhuge Liang expressed his wholehearted dedication to the country, his dedication, and his death.