从前一个外国和尚到一座中国庙里烧香,庙里的小和尚问他何姓及来自何国,外国和尚不懂他的话,跟着说何姓何国人。小和尚向住持报告外面来了何国一个姓何的和尚。众和尚纷纷出来看热闹,搞得大家啼笑皆非。 Once upon a time, a foreign monk went to a Chinese temple to burn incense. The young monk in the temple asked him what his surname was and where he came from. The foreign monk didn't understand his words, so he followed suit and said what surname and people he came from. The little monk reported to the abbot that a monk surnamed He had come from outside. The monks came out to watch the excitement, causing everyone to laugh and laugh. 原指对痴人说梦话而痴人信以为真。比喻凭借荒唐的想象胡言乱语。 Originally, it refers to talking in dreams to an idiot and believing it to be true. Metaphorically speaking nonsense with absurd imagination.