三国时,蜀国的刘备在驾崩之后,把皇帝的位置传给他的儿子刘禅,并请丞相诸葛亮来辅佐刘禅治理国家。刘禅有个小名叫做阿斗,阿斗当了皇帝后,每天只会吃喝玩乐,根本不管事,还好有诸葛亮帮他撑着,蜀国才能一直很强盛。可是,当诸葛亮去世之后,魏国马上派兵来攻打蜀国,蜀国不但打不过魏国,阿斗还自愿投降,带着一些旧大臣到魏国去当“安乐公”,继续过着吃喝玩乐的日子,完全忘记自己的国家已经灭亡了。有一天,魏国的大将军司马昭请阿斗吃饭,故意叫人来表演蜀国的杂耍,想羞辱这些蜀国来的人。旧大臣们看到这些蜀国的杂耍,都非常的难过,可是,阿斗却高兴地拍着手说:“好耶!好耶!真是好看耶!”一点也没有伤心的样子。后来,司马昭故意讽刺阿斗说:“怎么样!在这里过的开心吗?想不想蜀国呀?”没想到,阿斗居然开心地说:“此间乐,不思蜀。”意思是说:“不会呀!在这里有得吃有得玩,我呀!一点也不会想念蜀国呢!”司马昭听了以后,在心里窃笑:“真是一个扶不起的阿斗呀!难怪会让自己的国家给亡掉!” During the Three Kingdoms period, Liu Bei of Shu passed on the emperor's position to his son Liu Chan after his death, and invited Prime Minister Zhuge Liang to assist Liu Chan in governing the country. Liu Chan had a nickname called Ah Dou. After becoming emperor, Ah Dou only ate, drank, and had fun every day, and didn't care about anything at all. Fortunately, with Zhuge Liang's support, the Kingdom of Shu remained strong and prosperous. However, after the death of Zhuge Liang, the State of Wei immediately sent troops to attack Shu. Not only could Shu not defeat Wei, but Ah Dou voluntarily surrendered and brought some old ministers to Wei to become the "Duke of Anle", continuing to live a life of eating, drinking, and playing, completely forgetting that his country had already perished. One day, General Sima Zhao of the State of Wei invited Ah Dou to dinner and intentionally invited people to perform Shu's acrobatics, in order to humiliate these people from Shu. The old ministers were very sad to see these acrobatics of Shu, but Ah Dou happily clapped his hands and said, "Alright! Alright! It's really beautiful!" There was no sign of sadness at all. Later, Sima Zhao intentionally satirized Ah Dou and said, "How are you? Are you happy here? Do you want to miss the Kingdom of Shu?" Unexpectedly, Ah Dou happily said, "This place is happy, not the Kingdom of Shu." It means, "No way! There is food and play here, I! I won't miss the Kingdom of Shu at all!" Sima Zhao chuckled in his heart after listening, "What a helpless Ah Dou! No wonder he would let his own country perish 后来,大家就用“乐不思蜀”来形容一个人过的很开心,都忘记要回家! Later on, people used the phrase "Le Bu Si Shu" to describe a person who was very happy and forgot to go home!