古时候齐国君齐宣王喜好音乐,尤其喜欢听竽,他喜欢大家一起演奏。南郭先生听说后,也混在人群中,假意演奏,实际上根本不懂音乐。 In ancient times, King Qi Xuan of Qi enjoyed music, especially listening to the yu. He enjoyed playing with everyone. After hearing about it, Mr. Nanguo also mixed in with the crowd and pretended to play, but in reality, he didn't understand music at all. 后来,齐宣王的儿子齐湣王继位,湣王同样喜好听吹竽。他喜欢乐师单独吹给他听。南郭先生听到这个消息后,连夜逃跑。 Later, the son of King Xuan of Qi, King Min of Qi, succeeded to the throne, and King Min also enjoyed playing the yu. He likes musicians playing solo to him. After hearing this news, Mr. Nanguo fled overnight. 这个故事告诉我们,弄虚作假的方式,虽然可以获得一时的成功,但最终经不起检验。 This story tells us that although cheating can achieve temporary success, it ultimately cannot withstand scrutiny.