格拉斯哥大学研究人员芭芭拉·赫尔姆说,这项研究再次证明,城市化对环境的改变的确会影响到鸟类等生物。它们会像人类一样,随着城市生活的需要改变生活节奏和规律,但这些变化是否与健康问题增加有关,仍需进一步研究。(来源:新华社 刘石磊)来源:《皇家学会学报B》A tropical bird can use the equatorial change in sunrise and sunset times to synchronize its circannual clockAt higher latitudes, most organisms use the periodic changes in day length to time their annual life cycle. At the equator, changes in day length are minimal, and it is unknown which cues organisms use to synchronize their underlying circannual rhythms to environmental conditions. Here, we demonstrate that the African stonechat (Saxicola torquatus axillaris)—an equatorial songbird—can use subtle solar cues for the annual timing of postnuptial moult, a reliable marker of the circannual cycle. We compared four groups that were kept over more than 3 years: (i) a control group maintained under constant equatorial day length, (ii) a 12-month solar time group maintained under equatorial day length, but including a simulation of the annual periodic change in sunrise and sunset times (solar time), (iii) a 14-month solar time group similar to the previous group but with an extended solar time cycle and (iv) a group maintained under a European temperate photoperiod. Within all 3 years, 12-month solar time birds were significantly more synchronized than controls and 14-month solar time birds. Furthermore, the moult of 12-month solar time birds occurred during the same time of the year as that of free-living Kenyan conspecifics. Thus, our data indicate that stonechats may use the subtle periodic pattern of sunrise and sunset at the equator to synchronize their circannual clock.