成长值: 66235
FlashFXP是一款功能强大的 FXP / FTP 软件,融合了一些其他优秀 FTP 软件的优点,如像 CuteFTP 一样可以比较文件夹,支持彩色文字显示;像 BpFTP 支持多文件夹选择文件,能够缓存文件夹;像 LeapFTP一样的外观界面,甚至设计思路也差相仿佛。
FlashFXP支持文件夹(带子文件夹)的文件传送、删除;支持上传、下载及第三方文件续传;可以跳过指定的文件类型,只传送需要的文件;可以自定义不同文件类型的显示颜色;可以缓存远端文件夹列表,支持FTP 代理及 Socks 3 &4;具有避免空闲功能,防止被站点踢出;可以显示或隐藏”隐藏”属性的文件、文件夹;支持每个站点使用被动模式等
4.4.3 Maintenance release
Fixed an application crash which could sometimes be triggered by the loss of connection or disconnecting from the remote server.
Fixed a crash on shutdown that prevented FlashFXP from cleanly closing and sometimes leaving processes running in the background, this was caused by a missing sanity check in the destructor of our threaded timer pool.
Fixed an issue in the Site Manager that could trigger an access violation when selecting some sites followed by a group. The A/V was caused by code responsible for updating the bookmarks listview control. Specifically when clearing the items.
Fixed an issue in the Site Manager that could trigger an access violation when using the search bar at the top of the window. The A/V was caused by a the tear down routine that cleared the treeview and updated treeview with matching sites.
While reviewing the code changes that were implimented to solve the incomplete upload problem I discovered a mistake that failed to deallocate a timer ID from our timer pool (when the object.reset method was called object.remove, resetting the object to the inital state changed the timer ID) and as a result eventually the timer pool became full, disgarding any new requests for a timer ID. As a result some UI elements such as progress bars, the status window console, etc didn’t update.
Secure SSL encryption
Remote server file search
Remote edit with automatic upload on save
File transfer rules based on size, and, or date
File transfer automation with e-mail notifications
Multi-Language (over 20 languages)
Release name: OpenSight.Software.FlashFXP v4.4.3 2027 Multilanguage
Size: 8.9MB
FlashFXP v4.4.3 2027 Multilanguage
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