齐景公有次得了重病,还做了一个梦,梦见自己被两个太阳打败了,这让他心神不安。然后齐景公就对晏子说了这件事情,晏子就派人去请来占梦者为齐景公占卜凶吉。晏子让占梦者对大王这样解释:大王的病属于阴性,而太阳是阳性的就预示大王的病快好了。占梦者就按照晏子对他说的做了。齐景公听了之后很高兴并解除了郁闷,没过多久病就痊愈了。之后赏赐了晏子和占梦者两人。 Qi Jinggong fell seriously ill and had a dream where he was defeated by two suns, which made him uneasy. Then Duke Jing of Qi told Yanzi about this matter, and Yanzi sent someone to invite a dreamer to predict the good or bad for Duke Jing of Qi. Yanzi asked the dreamer to explain to the king in this way: the king's illness is negative, and if the sun is positive, it indicates that the king's illness is about to recover. The dreamer did as Yan Zi told him. After hearing this, Duke Qi Jinggong was very happy and relieved his depression. He soon recovered from his illness. Afterwards, Yan Zi and the dreamer were rewarded. 这说明了任何事情只要向着有利于事物发展的积极的一面去引导,就会取得良好的促进效果。 This indicates that as long as anything is guided towards a positive side that is conducive to the development of things, good promotion effects will be achieved.