从前有只驴子,为人工作得疲劳不已,粮食也只能是粗茶淡饭,有一天它看见战马,一个个都很强壮健康,粮食丰富,驴子就很羡慕,同时为自己的悲惨生活痛哭流涕。不久战争爆发了,骑士们都骑上战马抗敌。战争结束后,战马因受了重伤不幸身亡,从此驴子对战马起了恻隐之心。 Once upon a time, there was a donkey who worked tirelessly and could only provide basic food. One day, it saw warhorses, each strong and healthy, with abundant food. The donkey envied them and wept bitterly for its miserable life. Soon the war broke out, and the knights rode their warhorses to resist the enemy. After the war ended, the warhorse unfortunately died due to serious injuries, and from then on, the donkey began to show sympathy towards the warhorse. 这个故事告诉我们要满足自己现在的位置,不要奢求太多。 This story tells us to be satisfied with our current position and not to expect too much.