从前有个国王,想得到一匹千里马,于是各处张贴布告。过了三年,一匹马也没有买到,因此,国王心中很烦恼。国王身边有个侍臣愿意带上一千两黄金替国王买马,国王同意了。侍臣到处奔走,三个月后才有了一点儿线索,可是等他赶到,那匹马已经死了。侍臣拿出五百两黄金,把那匹马的尸骨买了下来,带回去送给国王。国王一看他买回来的是马骨头,非常生气,斥责了很久,但侍臣说:“如今我花了五百两黄金买了一堆千里马的尸骨,消息传开,天下人都知道您珍惜千里马,很快就会有人把活的千里马给您送来。”果然,不到一年就有好几匹千里马,被送到了这个国王的面前。 Once upon a time, there was a king who wanted to obtain a thousand mile horse, so he posted notices everywhere. After three years, not a single horse was bought, so the king was very worried. There was a courtier beside the king who was willing to bring a thousand taels of gold to buy a horse for him, and the king agreed. The courtier ran around and only got a clue three months later, but by the time he arrived, the horse had already died. The attendant took out five hundred taels of gold, bought the bones of the horse, and brought them back to give to the king. The king was very angry when he saw that he had bought horse bones, and rebuked him for a long time. However, the attendant said, "Now I have spent five hundred taels of gold to buy a pile of bones from a thousand mile horse. The news has spread, and everyone knows that you cherish the thousand mile horse. Soon, someone will bring you the live thousand mile horse." Sure enough, in less than a year, several thousand mile horses were sent to this king.